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Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.
Albert Einstein

HI…I am the soul…

I am no fantasy character nor am i a creation of imagination of a writer.I am a part of human mind that's hidden anywhere deep down inside everyone.I am a slave of my masters mind.But i have the power to change a man…I make a difference of life and death for people..

Well i am here to discuss some important stuff with my fellow beings.All my masters life,the body has gone through pain.Be it the pain of birth,or the bruises and cuts of childhood or the agony of love loss or bankruptcy.I keep a close watch on all the stuff that happens and endure every bit of the strange world till my masters last breath..

I have been in contact with my fellow human souls..and every one of there masters have the same problems.humans are a strange creature.god had bestowed THE MAN with the greatest blessing..and you know what that blessing is?


the choice to live life…

the choice to be happy or sad..

the choice to be alone or together..

the choice to be good or bad…

and best the choice to prioritize and think…

But amidst the hustle bustle of life and under pressure of his own inventions and discoveries my master forgot this benevolent blessing of god..he started believing that his life is dependent on external sources for being happy or sad,for being alone or together ,for being good or master became a SLAVE of circumstances..


I Write this letter to my master to make him realize his connection with me and to realize his power of mind.

Dear master,

There is nothing in this world that can make or break you except yourself.Every human soul is searching a pathway to sunshine,that eternal bliss of happy life.But why are you searching it outside when its deep inside have a power to think ,to understand.I know master the world is filled with wicked,cruel ,corrupted people who are hurting you and burdening you each day.But you also need to understand that circumstances cant take away anything from You….

The world can take away

                                you money not your wealth..

                               your clothes not your beauty

                              your reputation not your character

                              your house not your home.

You know master,if also we consider a average lifespan of a human to be 70(which is so rare these days) he would only have around 25000 days to live.Then why do you wanna sulk and loose it for being sad,being upset?

So master please start living each day completely.why to feel bad if someone cheated you,why to feel bad if you don't have enough money..LOVE is something you need to create for yourself.Once you start loving yourself and stand up tall being proud in front of mirror and say “yes i am proud of me and my character” trust me master nothing in this world can break you.

Start living a life for yourself.Start doing things you never have done ever before in life.Make this world a better place to live for yourself and people around.Help the poor,help those who aren't even fortunate enough to have even that much of life and happiness as you have..


And when you start doing that ,you would know my master that this world has nothing bad in bad people ,no  bad situations..Just confused souls who don't know who they are and the meaning of the priceless gift of life.

Don't be affected master by what others say.They cant change me(the soul)that's present in you.i am the purest part of you.and the world cant take me away from you.

anyone doesn't have the power to make you sad or happy.Its just your mind that can do that.Why to get affected by what people say and then change yourself according to that.U know master the more better you get,the more people will try to pull you down.So You don't bother much..just give a smile and say “GOD BLESS U”.

So my master..

I am always with you..sharing my beliefs with you.Telling you what is good and bad.The feeling you get on doing something good IS ME..the rotten you get when you hurt someone..IS ME..but today people are loosing me in the air of wickedness and ill i wish that every soul of this universe can talk to their masters as i do with mine..and each soul rest in its purest form..




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